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Op Amp Model

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Easy-to-Use Current Limiter


                                          OPAMP_ILIMIT_SERVO.CIR   Download the SPICE file

The output of an op amp can only deliver so much current. Ask for any more and op amp's internal clamp limits swings into action. Why? One reason is safety! Try driving lots of current into a low impedance load and you've got plenty of power to dissipate in a small plastic package.

Current limiters are typically modeled using a voltage source and a diode. Accurate limiters require knowing the max output current of the final stage, messing with the diode V-I equation and setting a clamp voltage. (See Current Limiting)  But, there's an easier way. By adding an amplifier, you can create an accurate current limiter that's independent of the diode voltage or final stage current. If your output current attempts to exceed the limit, the amplifier servos the output to your maximum current. Let's see how.



Suppose an op amp can only deliver ± 20 mA. Essentially, we need a limiter that work as follows.

    ►  For   Io_limit- <  Io <  Io_limit+       Normal condition - limiters out of circuit.
    ►  For                   Io  > Io_limit+       Positive servo reduces output current to Io_limit+.
    ►  For                   Io  < Io_limit-        Negative servo reduces output current to Io_limit-.

What sets Io_max? Its simply ROUT together with VCLP and VCLN.

Io_max+ = VCLP / ROUT
Io_max-  = VCLN / ROUT

For an op amp with an output resistance ROUT = 10 Ω, what value of VCLP and VCLN are needed for ± 20 mA?

VCLP,VCLN = Io_limit · ROUT
          = 0.02(A)
· 10(Ω)
          = 0.2 (V)



Actually, the output current is not monitored directly! Instead, its the voltage across ROUT that we observe. In reality, servo amplifiers ECLP and ECLN limit the voltage from node 10 to node 82. However, by clamping V_ROUT, the maximum output current also gets clamped.

When V_ROUT is less than VCLP and VCLN, both servo amplifiers ECLP and ECLN, are isolated from the circuit through reverse biased diodes DCLP and DCLN. That's because node 95 swings more positive and node 97 swings more negative than node 10. Under this condition, the limiter is out of the picture.

But, suppose V_ROUT rises slightly more positive than VCLP. Node 95 now swings more negative than node 10 forward biasing DCLP!

ECLP now attempts to bring down (or servos) V(10) to be equal to VCLP. You can also think of ECLP as a unity gain buffer which, during over-voltage condition, condition takes control of node 10. This is possible because R1 is typically a high impedance (>1k ohms) and the low impedance of the DVLP and EVLP can easily pull down the V(10) to VCLP or VCLN. The negative limiter works similarly, just using opposite polarities.

Note there's no diode equations to mess with!  Simply set VCLP and VCLN equal to
ROUT x Io_max = 100 ohms x 20 mA = 2V.

VCLP 94 82 DC 2V
VCLN 82 96 DC 2V



Here are the SPICE statements for the servo amplifiers.

ECLP 95 80 94 10 1000
ECLN 97 80 96 10 1000

The input of ECLP compares V(10) - V(82) with VCLP. The servo amplifier action drives V(95) through DCLP to a level required to limit V(10) - V(82). How do we set the gain of servo amps ECLP and ECLN? For this example, the gains are set to 1000. Too high of a gain and you might have convergence problems. Too low of a gain and the limiter loses accuracy. But typically, you don't need a lot of accuracy for this function. You can even set it to 100 or less.



Let's test drive our current limited model using the non-inverting amplifier. Note, you need to connect power supplies for this model to work.



 CIRCUIT INSIGHT   VS generates a 5 V square wave. Run a Transient Analysis and plot the input V(1) and output V(3). With R1 = R2 = 10 kΩ, the non-inverting gain is 2 V/V. For a 5 V input, you should see a 10V output. 

With VCLP = VCLN = 2 V and ROUT = 100 Ω, the output current should have a max level of VCLP / ROUT = 2 V / 100 Ω = 20 mA. The initial load resistor is RL = 100 kΩ. Open a new plot window and plot the output current I(RL).  Change the load to RL = 1000 Ω. How much current flows now?

Begin decreasing RL below 1000 Ω. Rerun the simulation. Does Vo make its destination of 10 V? What's the current output? At some point Vo goes no higher. Why? Because the output current is limited to 20 mA. What is the exact output current? Place a cursor on I(RL) to get an accurate measure. (Note, some of the output current flows through R2.)

 HANDS-ON DESIGN   How does the servo gains effect the accuracy of Io_max? Reduce the gain of ECLP and ECLN from 1000 down to 100 or 10. Run a new simulation. How accurate is the limiting action now? Alternatively, raise the gain to 10000 or above. Did the accuracy improve?

Generally speaking, these limits don't need to be so accurate. Its not a very controlled behavior in the actual device. And furthermore, you shouldn't be designing circuits that are dependent on the accuracy of Io_max.

 HANDS-ON DESIGN   Try varying the current limit by adjusting VCLP, VCLN and ROUT. Run a simulation with your new values. How about asymmetric current limiting? Just set VCLP and VCLN to different levels.



For a description of all op amp models, see Op Amp Models.
For a quick review of subcircuits, check out Why Use Subcircuits?
Get a crash course on SPICE simulation at SPICE Basics.
A handy reference is available at SPICE Command Summary.
This op amp model can be used for many of the op amp circuits available from the Circuit Collection page.



Download the file or copy this netlist into a text file with the *.cir extension.

VS 1 0	AC 1	PWL(0US 0V   0.01US 5V  2US 5V   2.01US -5V  4US -5V)

VCC	20	0	DC	+15V
VEE	21	0	DC	-15V

R1	0	2	10K
R2	2	3	10K
XOP1	1 2 20 21 3 OP_ILIM_S
RL	3	0	100000

* OP AMP MODEL - ILIMIT SERVO ***************************
* Device Pins	   In+ In- V+ V-  Vout
.SUBCKT OP_ILIM_S	1   2   101 102  82

RIN	1	2	1e+012

G1	100 10	1 2	1
R1	10	100	1e+006
C1	10	100	6.6e-008

VCLP	94	82	DC	2
ECLP	95	80	94 10	1000
VCLN	82	96	DC	2
ECLN	97	80	96 10	1000

EOUT	80 100	10 100	1
ROUT	80	82	100

RREF1	101	103	100K
RREF2	103	102	100K
EREF	100 0	103 0 1
R100	100	0	1MEG

* ANALYSIS *************************************
.TRAN 	0.05US  4US 0 0.05US
*.AC 	DEC 	20 0.1 1000MEG


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