Max Slew-Rate

Schematic: Op_Amp_slew.asc
Op Amp Symbol: Opamp_2.asy
Op Amp Shematic: Opamp_2.asc
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Intro |
So, you've designed a signal bandwidth of 1MHz for your 200kHz sinewave -
should be sufficient. But what happened? The output looks distorted! Why?
You discover the op amp's output can only change so fast. How can you select
a slew rate to pass the signal with it's shape preserved? |
Definition |
Max Slew Rate - the limit of how fast the ouput voltage can change
versus time. SlewRate
= dV / dt max
Design Goal |
Pass a 10V 200kHz Sinewave Undistorted |
Design Spec |
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 1% |
- Circuit Design
- Kcl = (R2+R1)/R1 = 1V/V
- Choose: R2=10k
- Select: R2=open
- Op Model Param
- Slew Rate - 5 V/us Max
- fu = 1MHz
- Aol=100000 fu=1e6 Slew=5 Ro=1
- Circuit Test
- Input: sinewave, 200kHz, Vstep = 1V and 10V
- THD (Fourier) analysis: .four 200kHz v(vo)
- Expected THD < 1%
- Small signal test: Vstep = 1V
- Run a Transient simulation. (.TRAN)
- Plot v(vo): check for clean sinewave
- Read THD: View > SPICE Error Log - read THD below Fourier
- Did it meet spec?
- If THD < 1%, then PASS,
else FAIL
- Large signal test: Vstep = 10V
- Rerun sim, visually check the waveform and the THD.
- What happened to the sinewave?
- You should see a triangle output as the 5V/us slew struggles to keep
up with the sinewave.
- How high is the THD above 1%?
output THD fails to meet spec!
- Incrementally increase Slew (by factors of 2).
- Rerun the SPICE sim.
- What's the minimum Slew needed for a clean sinewave and THD < 1%?
- What is the slew rate max for a sine or exponential waveform?
- For a Sinewave, the signal and derivative look like this

- Where is the max slew? At the zero crossing point, t=0

- For an Exponential (Low-Pass Filter output), the signal and derivative look like

- Notive that Tau is the time constant (or R*C product) of the
Low-Pass filter.
- Where is the max slew? At the leading instant of the step, t=0.

- So what happened to our original design?
- Example: Vpeak=10V, f=200kHz
- Slew = 2*pi*Vpeak*f = 12.6 V/us
- Aha! The 5 V/us was doomed form the start.
- Let's solve it
- What Slew Rate is required for Vpeak=10V, f=200kHz?
- We already calculated the minimum 12.6 V/us above.
- Choose an op amp above this minimum.
- Retest the circuit with the new Slew Rate. Did your circuit meet spec?
Way to go! Select a real-world op amp that meets or exceeds your required
Slew Max.
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