Output Current Limit

Schematic: Op_Amp_ilim.asc
Op Amp Symbol: Opamp_3.asy
Op Amp Shematic: Opamp_3.asc
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Intro |
The output stage of an op amp is designed to limit the output current to
a maximum level. Why? If the output is accidentally short
circuited, the current limit prevents the op amp from going up in smoke.
Definition |
Ilim - defines the maximum output current |
Design Goal |
Deliver a 10V signal into the expected load |
Design Spec |
Vo ≥ 10V into a 200 Ω load |
- Circuit Design
- Unity Gain: Kcl = 1V/V
- R2=10k, R1=open
- Rload = 200 Ω
- Op Model Param
- Aol=1e6 fu=1e6 slew=5 vlim=1.5 ilim=0.04 ro=1
- Max output current is 40mA.
- Circuit Test
- Drive the input to 10V
.step param Vstep list 1V 5V 10V
simulation for 3 levels of Vstep.
- Expected Vo ≥ 10V
- Run a Transient simulation. (.TRAN)
- Plot v(vs), v(vo) and measure the highest output voltage level.
- Add another plot and add trace i(rload). Measure the highest output
current level.
- Did it meet spec?
- If Vo ≥ 10V, then PASS,
else FAIL
- DESIGN ISSUE: The output
current fails to meet
- Incrementally increase Ilim.
- Rerun the SPICE sim.
- What Ilim is needed to meet spec?
- How does the output stage regulate a max current?
Let's take a look
at a typical positive output structure.

- What components make up the final output stage?
- Q7 - the output transistor that delivers positive output
- R5 - the resistor used to sense the output current.
- Q9 - the transistor that regulates max current.
- Why is a current limit needed?
- If a positive vout is shorted to GND (0V), then almost all of
the VCC rail voltage falls across Q7!
- Consequently the power in Q7 (at max current) rises to
approximately P_Q7 = Io_max x Vcc.
- Q7 must be a physically large enough device to keep its junction
temperature low.
- Same holds true for the negative output transistor and
- So how do they work together?
- Q7 delivers Iout into the load.
- Q7 requires a base current Ib ≈ Iout / Β where Β is it's current gain.
- The previous stage (unseen to the left) raises the diode string
voltage to allow enough of the 150uA to flow into the Q7 base for
the required Iout.
- During normal operation Q9 is OFF.
- However, if the current through R5
develops a voltage large enough so that R5*Iout = Vbe_Q9 > 0.65V, then Q9's
Vbe turns
on and steals away Q7 base current to regulate Iout to a level:
Iout_max = Vbe / R5.
- The specific Ilim for an op amp device will vary depending on its
output structure and actual devices.
- What happened to our original design?
- The original op model had a current limit of Ilim = 40mA
- The expected max output current required is
Iout_max =
10V / 200 = 50mA
- Let's solve it
- Set Ilim for the Iout_max greater than max expected max.
- Retest the circuit with the new Vlim. Did your circuit meet spec?
Select an op amp that meets or exceeds your required Ilim.
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