Your Prime Directive
Adjust the output up (Vo+) or down (Vo-) so that Vn EQUALs Vp!
Your World
You have NO direct knowledge of Vo, R1 or R2,
You can OBSERVE Vp and Vn.
You can ADJUST Vo up or down.
External Circuit World
R1 and R2 deliver a portion of BOTH Vo and Vs to Vn.
Vp is always at 0V (GND).
NOTE: For the inverting config, simply bring Vn back to 0V.
This "tricks" op amp into an inverting gain from Vs to Vo: K = -R2/R1
Try it!
Hit "Start" and try to achieve the Prime Directive
Then click "Show Vo".
What happened, did you and R1,R2 create an inverting signal gain?
Try a different Vs, R1 or R2 - can you predict the outcome?
Hit "Start" and see what happens.
BONUS: Move quickly as possible, without crossing over.
Adjust Vo UP (+) or DN (-) to bring back Vn EQUAL to Vp (0V)
Share your feedback and thoughts!
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