RC Filter - Step Response vs. Time
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Inside the Code.
Some fairly straightforward RC filter calculations appear in the code. The intersting bit lies in writing to the "textarea". The textbox is only written to once at the end!
First, the code adds a line of text to the variable "TextOut" after each calculation in the for loop. Finally, "TextOut" is written to "myTextArea" as defined by the form.
////////////////////////////////////////////// // calc ////////////////////////////////////////////// function get_StepResponse() { // get values directly from form var R=document.myForm.R.value; var C=document.myForm.C.value; var vin=document.myForm.vin.value; var N=document.myForm.N.value; var Tau, fc, t, vo, vo_err, vo_errp; var TextOut; // calc Tau = R*C; fc=1/(R*C*2*Math.PI); // place in text box document.myForm.fc.value = (fc).toPrecision(4); document.myForm.Tau.value = (Tau).toPrecision(4); // create text TextOut = "t(s)\t\tvo\t\tvo_error (%)\n"; TextOut += "---------------------------------------\n"; // calc step response and place in text box for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) { t=i*Tau; vo=t; vo = vin * (1-Math.exp(-t/Tau)); vo_err = vin - vo; vo_errp = vo_err/vin * 100; TextOut += (t).toExponential(3) + "\t" + (vo).toExponential(3)+ "\t" + (vo_errp).toPrecision(3)+ "\n"; } // send to textArea document.myForm.myTextArea.value = TextOut } //////////////////////////////////////////
The text box is easily createrd by the tag named "textarea". You can specify the Rows and Cols inline with the tag.
<textarea name="myTextArea" rows="15" cols="50"></textarea>