Precision versus Units
Enter precision in one of the following units: ratio, percent, ppm, dB, Nbits.
Then, click on "Calc Other Units" in the same row.
ratio = per / 100
per = ratio * 100
ppm = ratio * 1e6
dB = 20*log10( ratio )
Nbits = log2( 1/ ratio)
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Inside the Code.
Although the form has many buttons named "Cal Other Units", just one function call handles them all. The trick lies in passing a specific text ("ppm", "dB", Nbits", etc.) to the function depending on which button was pressed. The text is passed to the variable "units" inside the routine..
////////////////////////////////////////////// // calc Precision ////////////////////////////////////////////// function get_Precision( units ) { // get values directly from form var ratio=document.myForm.ratio.value; var per=document.myForm.per.value; var ppm=document.myForm.ppm.value; var dB=document.myForm.dB.value; var Nbits=document.myForm.Nbits.value; // convert entered unit to ratio if ( units.indexOf("ratio") >= 0) { ratio = ratio*1; } if ( units.indexOf("per") >= 0) { ratio = per/100; } if ( units.indexOf("ppm") >= 0) { ratio = ppm/1e6; } if ( units.indexOf("dB") >= 0) { ratio = Math.pow(10,dB/20); } if ( units.indexOf("Nbits") >= 0) { ratio = Math.pow(2,-Nbits); } // calc all remaining units per = ratio*100; ppm = ratio*1e6; dB = 20*Math.log(ratio)/Math.log(10); Nbits = Math.log(1/ratio)/Math.log(2); document.myForm.ratio.value = (ratio).toPrecision(2); document.myForm.per.value = (per).toPrecision(2); document.myForm.ppm.value = (ppm).toPrecision(4); document.myForm.dB.value = (dB).toPrecision(3); document.myForm.Nbits.value = (Nbits).toPrecision(2); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
The code checks which units have been passed using the JavaScript function: units.indexOf("text"). This function return a number indicating the index in the string where "text" is found. If no "text" is found, the function returns a -1.
As far as the calulations go, the code first converts any other units to a ratio. Then, the ratio is converted to all other units.
Here's the HTML code for the button next to the "ppm" input box. The function call for this button "get_Precision( 'ppm')" passes the text 'ppm' to the routine.
<td><input type="text" name="ppm" size="8" value=""></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Calc Other Units"